Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide
Contacts Screen

The Contacts screen provides an overview of the contacts and/or companies related to the person in context in the workspace, and provides the ability to easily add and manage the contact and company relationships for the person.

This screen displays a row for each related contact and/or company, which includes the following information:

In addition to the above information, each row also includes one of the following icons to identify how the contact or company is related to the person-in-context:

More than one icon may display in a row if the contact or company has a relationship at more than one level. For example, in the image above, the company Ameriflood is related to the person, as well as case associated with the person in context; therefore, both a  and  icon display for the company in the Contacts screen.

The buttons that appear in the top of the screen, and in each row, provide the ability to perform the below actions:

Button Description
Provides the ability to relate a contact to the person in context.
Provides the ability to relate a company to the person in context.
Provides the ability to remove a contact or company from the Contacts screen.

Provides the ability to deactivate a contact.

By default, the toggle icon is enabled (green) for each contact.

Adding and Managing Contact and Company Relationships

The Contacts screen enables the ability to easily add and remove related contacts and companies for the person in context, as well as deactivate contacts when necessary. From this screen, users can perform the following actions:

Adding Contacts and Companies

To add a new contact or company, click  or  within the top of the screen. Upon clicking the applicable button, a search window appears to select the desired contact or company.

The following window appears upon clicking :

When  is clicked, the window below appears in the workspace:

From this window, users can create a new contact or company, or select an existing contact or company to add to the Contacts screen.

ShowCreating a New Contact or Company

To create a new contact or company:

When a new contact or company is created from this screen, the record is also added to the corresponding Address Book page in System Management (System Management > Address Book > Contacts or System Management > Address Book > Companies). 

ShowSelecting an Existing Contact or Company

To add an existing contact or company:

Upon clicking  in the Contact or Company details window, or  in the search window to add an existing contact, a Relationship panel appears to relate the company or contact to one or more of the accounts, persons or cases associated with the person in context.

The Company Relationship panel appears as follows:

The below image displays an example of the Contact Relationship panel:

The Contact Relationship panel includes a drop-down list in top of the panel, which provides the ability to identify the contact's relationship to the person in context.

This drop-down includes a list of the values configured for the CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP lookup in System Management > Field Configurations.

The following three tabs appear in both panels to display information for each account, person, and case related to the person in context:

Tab Grid Columns
Related Accounts

The Related Accounts grid includes the following columns of information for each account associated with the person in context:

  • Account Number (Account > Account Number)
  • Suffix (Account > Suffix)
  • Account Identifier (Account > Account Identifier)
  • Account Description (Account > Description)
  • Balance (Account > Balance)
  • Account Type (Account > Account Information > Account Type – Description)
  • Closed Flag (Account > Account Flags > Closed Flag)
Related Persons

The Related Persons grid includes the following columns of information for each person associated with the person in context:

  • Full Name (Person > Full Name)
  • Address (Current Home Address)
  • TIN (Person > SSN/TIN)
  • Role
  • Source Description

Related Cases

The Related Cases grid includes the following columns of information for each case associated with the person in context:

  • Case Type (Case > Case Type – Desc)
  • Case Number (Case > Case Number)
  • Case Title (Case > Case Title)
  • Case Status (Case > Case Status – Desc)
  • Case Stage (Case > Case Stage – Desc)

To finish adding a record to the Contacts screen, navigate through each Related tab, and select the Is Related check box next to each account, person, and/or case associated with the company or contact. If adding a contact, select a value from the drop-down list above the Related tabs to identify the contact's relationship to the account, person, and/or case.

Once all values are selected, click  to close the Relationship panel, and add a row to the Contacts screen for the company or contact.

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Viewing/Editing Contact and Company Information

To view or edit company or contact information:

Any modifications made to a contact or company record from this screen are also updated in the record that appears in the corresponding Address Book page in System Management (System Management > Address Book > Contacts or System Management > Address Book > Companies). 

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Deleting Contacts and Companies

To remove a contact or company from the Contacts screen:

Removing a company or contact from the Contacts screen does not delete the record from the corresponding Address Book page in System Management.

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Deactivating/Reactivating Contacts

If it is not desired to remove a contact completely from the Contacts screen, the record can be deactivated, and then reactivated when necessary.

This functionality is not available for companies.

When a contact is added to the Contacts screen, a  icon appears in the row to provide the ability to deactivate and reactivate the contact as desired. When the icon appears green, the contact is active for the person in context.

To deactivate a contact:

 To reactivate a contact:

Each time a contact is deactivated or reactivated in the Contacts screen, an audit record is added to the Audit - Account, Audit - Person, or Audit - Case screen, based on how the contact was in context at the time of the action.

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